Monday, October 28, 2013

Green Tea Oreos

For my culture class we’re reading a book called Rickshaw that describes a man’s life as a rickshaw puller. The book takes place in Beijing and mentions many places we’ve been to ourselves.  And coincidentally (probably not really) we had a Hutong tour Thursday with rickshaws. These rickshaws were a bit of an upgrade compared to the one in the book – they are now bikes whereas they used to be just a man pulling the rickshaw. Hutong in chinese means alleyway. Hutongs kind of remind me of a maze with little roads everywhere and the traditional style houses all next to each other.

I have a goal to one day sit on a little table outside a restaurant and eat my dinner...but it's getting cold so I'm not sure how likely that is to happen.

We stopped at one of these traditional style houses part way through the tour. The guy who lives there was explaining to us the different houses (where the parents live, and then what son lives in what house) and then decided to casually mention how this particular place was being used to film a TV show. Say WHAT?!  They showed us the scripts/schedule for the show and explained how they fixed up certain areas of the house just for the show.  I have no idea what show they were filming there, but it was a cool surprise!

This is the guy that lives there.

Schedule/script for the show.

I specifically took this picture for you, Dad - Snoopy!

A Dominos opened up by our school. There was a whole celebration the opening day with mascots, a red carpet, balloons, fireworks, and of course a discount. I think our whole school got a pizza at some point. The pepperoni pizza tasted pretty similar, but I don't plan on going back anytime soon.

My roommate and I decided to spend some quality time together by buying all the oreo flavors available and try one of each. We may have felt a bit sick afterwards…especially after eating the nasty flavors such as grape/peach, raspberry, green tea, and peanut butter. The ones that we liked were the normal flavors.... of course.

Sunday night I met with Susie again but this time she brought her family friend along. He’s 28 and they’ve known each other since they were little. His English is very impressive! We went to a Japanese restaurant, Coldstone, then sat at a bar for awhile.  I ended up finding out that he works as an assistant for a famous Asian actor that is like the equivalent of Jackie Chan! He has been all over the world working for this guy managing his meetings and having dinner with people like Leonardo Dicaprio. It was such a fun and relaxing night!

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